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Beverley Mort
May 5, 20216 min read
Early life nutrition Part 1: The importance of diet when planning a pregnancy
Whilst the NHS may advise taking a 400 µg folic acid supplement prior to getting pregnant and up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, cut out...

Beverley Mort
Mar 14, 20208 min read
How to get the best nutrition if you have to self-isolate
Coronavirus is effecting individuals and communities across the world. This global pandemic is showing no signs of letting up as the...

Beverley Mort
Mar 8, 20206 min read
Be Salt Aware
It’s World Salt Awareness week from 9th to 15th March. This is a week when many organisations, usually public health led advertise that...

Beverley Mort
Feb 14, 20207 min read
Foods and nutrients to support healthy eyes
Our eyes are our windows to the world. Unless you are suffering from an eye disorder then you probably don’t think about them much, but...

Beverley Mort
Feb 7, 20208 min read
Foods and nutrients to support a healthy immune system
It’s that time of year, when we feel a little run down, maybe have fought or fighting off a cold, or worse still suffering from the flu....

Beverley Mort
Jan 15, 20207 min read
Veganury. Is it worth the effort?
Last week I talked about an initiative in January called dry January, all about giving up alcohol for the month and what happens on 1st...

Beverley Mort
Jan 10, 20205 min read
New Year New You! Dry January
Happy New Year! Have you made any new year’s resolutions? It is that time of year when many people take stock of their lives and maybe...

Beverley Mort
Dec 18, 20197 min read
Eating well over the festive period
It’s not difficult to over eat and drink at Christmas and the new year period. We are faced with temptation everywhere from tubs of...

Beverley Mort
Dec 6, 20195 min read
The herbs and spices you should have in your cooking toolkit (Part 2)
As I was writing my previous blog on herbs and spices I quickly realised that there is so much to say about them that I needed to create...

Beverley Mort
Nov 22, 20196 min read
The herbs and spices you should have in your cooking toolkit (Part 1)
As Brits we are getting better at trying new foods and developing our palates’ to taste various herbs and spices. Most of us enjoy a...

Beverley Mort
Nov 8, 20195 min read
Cholesterol: Why it’s important to keep levels under control and how diet can help you achieve this
What do you know about cholesterol? I’m guessing that you have heard about it in the press, from a family member or colleague, from your...

Beverley Mort
Oct 17, 20197 min read
Understanding the Low-FODMAP diet
I’m writing from experience. Not from following the low-FODMAP diet for myself, but doing it for my 16-year-old daughter. This means I am...

Beverley Mort
Oct 11, 20196 min read
The Mediterranean Diet: What is it and why is it good for us?
Anyone interested in their diet, health and wellbeing may have heard a lot about the Mediterranean diet. Anyone who has experienced some...

Beverley Mort
Sep 25, 20194 min read
Iodine: the effects of deficiency and those at risk
When you think of iodine, do you think about the yellow substance that is used as a disinfectant on skin when an operation is performed?...

Beverley Mort
Sep 20, 20195 min read
Are teenage girls getting enough nutrition?
As the mum of a teenage girl I can see first-hand the lifestyle she leads. I don’t think she is unusual, just a typical teenager. I have...

Beverley Mort
Aug 27, 20195 min read
The reproductive health of men; a look at the effects of diet.
Poor diet and lifestyle choices effect men and women in very similar ways. For example, if we smoke our risk of developing lung disease...

Beverley Mort
Aug 15, 20197 min read
Menopause: Natural ways to tackle both the symptoms and the long term effects of reduced oestrogen
What is the menopause? The menopause is a natural biological event that all women go through usually in their 40s or 50s. As women age,...

Beverley Mort
Jul 31, 20196 min read
Good fats… Bad fats… Confused? Read on…
What is a ‘good’ fat? What is a ‘bad’ fat? You would be forgiven for being confused. We are constantly bombarded with advice and guidance...

Beverley Mort
Jul 2, 20196 min read
Understanding free radicals and antioxidants
What do you know about antioxidants? What do you know about free radicals? We are told that antioxidants are good for our health and...

Beverley Mort
Jun 28, 20194 min read
Foods and nutrients to support healthy nails
The condition of our nails can sometimes reflect the state of our general health. If after depression of the finger nail it does not...
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